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Actually, a probable solution to war has come into being, largely unnoticed. The first to notice was Rudy Rummel, who discovered the fact that liberal democracies never had wars with liberal democracies was statistically significant. My Ph.D. dissertation probed into why this was the case, and Rummel liked the solution I offered. I have published on this topic off and on to the collective lack of interest in political science and international relations. Basically it is that democracies, as systems, are spontaneous orders, not organizations such as traditional states. Here is my most recent study of the issue. Understanding the Democratic Peace: Spontaneous Order, Organization, and the Foundations of War and Peace. Cosmos and Taxis. 12:11+12, 89-106. https://cosmosandtaxis.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/diZerega_CT_Vol12_Iss_11_12.pdf

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