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I bring in Kant on a limited number of topics: federalism, peace projects, and social mechanism design. (I do have interest in a number of other projects where Kant might intersect; I have written on his early engagement with newton and spinoza, for example.)

I use to de-center Kant quite a bit. (In my PhD cohort everyone was doing Kant. So I rebelled.)

But since I am trying to develop a new well Foucault-inflected (without the dazzle and the idiom) approach to the story of liberalism (that will, en passant, do away with Rawlsian-Kantianism), Kant has returned to my focus.

I do think that because I come from Kant sideways, but with well-honed historical skills, I have something fresh to say I hope. Anyway, thank you for the implied, I hope, compliment.

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