Sitemap - 2024 - digressionsimpressions’s Substack

Scientific Models and Political Decision-Making (on Winsberg & Harvard)

Some Spinozistic Themes in Seneca's Letter 58.

Going Meta on The Flavour of Truth and culture wars.

On Douglas on Beatitude in Spinoza, part II

Locke as Father of Liberalism; some notes on the historians Stanton and Bell on Sabine with a walk on role by Bertrand Russell

A personal remembrance of Dan Dennett (1942-2024)

Some Spinoza on Sin and the Fall with Alex Douglas (and some Dan Dennett)

Lorenzini's overreach on Foucault (with some Feyerabend and Rorty)

Foucault's Analytic Philosophy of Power (On Lorenzini, Neoliberalism and the politicization of analysis)

On Defeat in Ukraine, and Liberal International Politics

Morgenbesser, Imperialism, Adam Smith, and the usefulness of philosophy

Foucault, Lorenzini, and Spinoza on Games of Truth (with some Carnap and Tarski).

On Synthetic Philosophy; or Williamson vs Kitcher, again.

Okay, effective altruism and shallow ponds, again. On Pettigrew's Criticism of Wenar (etc.)

On Wallas, Mill, The Great Society, and the Art of Government

Leibniz, Ibn Tufayl and the pre-history of a famous thought experiment anew (oh Mary)

Foucault, Cryptonormativity (via Kolodny and Lorenzini)

On Travel through Darkness; On Letter 57

On Hayek and Smith on the/a Great Society

On Academic Freedom and Institutional Neutrality (Jacob T. Levy)

The Sooty Empiric's Suspicions of Liberalism reconsidered.

On Gaus and Kukathas on the nature of an Open Society, and toleration.

RIP Howard Stein January 21, 1929-8 March, 2024

On Williamson, Kitcher, and the uptake of analytic philosophy

Smith and Montesquieu on a Platonic passage, and the fate of Spontaneous Order.

Adam Smith on Commercial Society; On Paul Sagar's Adam Smith Reconsidered, Pt 2

Smith on the art of government, corruption, and tax policy

Humboldt and Mill on harmful speech, liberty, and shunning

State Political Epistemology in (and at the start of) Wealth of Nations

Humboldt, Public Epistemology, and Professional Certification

Condorcet and the origin of Patriarchy

Long Covid Diaries: downs and ups

Wilhelm von Humboldt on Slavery and the Snobbishness of the Philosophers

Foucault, Rousseau, and Oakeshott on the art and science of government (and some Adam Smith and Bentham)

Feyerabend, Open Exchange, and Collective Decision-making

Newton, Fontenelle, Aesthetic Cosmology, and Extinction.

Manon Garcia and the new Sexual Revolution

Cofnas and Post-Liberalism

Feyerabend and Mill on Transformative Experience and Science's Authority.

Russell and Human Extinction

Bentham and Foucault on Biopolitics and Political Epistemology

On the Crisis of Liberalism (IX); the housing accessibility shortage.

On the very idea of Special Sciences

Bertrand Russell on Locke as the Philosopher of the Global Social Contract

Bertrand Russell, Platonic Myths, and Japan

Synthetic Philosophy, Redux

Adam Smith, Mercantilism, and the Caricature of Locke (on the origins of liberalism)


A Digression on Mill and Foucault; and Hacking.

On Williamson, Kitcher, The Great Endarkenment (pt. II) and Meta-Expertise

On Pluralism and Viewpoint Diversity in 20th century American Philosophy; Strassfeld, phenomenology, and yes some David K. Lewis.

On early Friedrich Engels on Adam Smith and the theorist's responsibility for consequences.

Montesquieu and Spinoza on Federalism (with a whiff of Adam Smith)

The State as Machinery of Record or as Witness of Truth. On Pink on Vallier and Catholic Integralism

On Spontaneous Order and naturalization of the economy, Friedrich List, Emma Rothschild and Adam Smith

On Old and New Federalism: William Penn, Constant, Adam Smith, and Jacob Levy ,

On the recursive Utopian tradition in Modernity, Jerusalem and Athens.

Friedrich Engels, Foucault on Chicago Economics and the social demand for criminality.

Kendall on Locke on Majority Rule, (With Some Blackstone, Adam Smith, and federalism.)

Friedrich List's polemic against Adam Smith, and federalism